Our experienced staff is committed to nothing short of excellence!


  Every service provider and support staff at Serendipity work on a performance based level system.  As a stylist moves up the levels and achieves performanced-based promotions their prices increase slightly, this is why different stylist are at different prices for similar services.  The level system accomplishes two main goals.  The first is to provide a career path of growth and achievement for our team.  The second is to provide several options for your various needs.  Guests may choose the level that best fits their needs and their budget.  This is why our menus have price ranges for the services. 

 The designers level of competency or creativity is not necessarily related to the years of experience he or she has.  This is a common misconception.  The training our team receives is aggressive, consistent, innovative, and in-depth.  It start from the moment they are hired and continues through the entire career with us.  At SHD salon, our service providers achieve promotions based on several factors.  These factors include guest satifaction, guest retention, performance, and education.

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